James Brown by Hari Huberman an oh-so-very-sixties acrylics portrait of singer/songwriter James Brown
Homage to Psychedelic Art by Pamela Pitt a collection of four digitally-produced photographs created much later, but in the spirit of 1968
Berlin: A Photo Essay by Bill Carpenter a black-and-white photo essay of Berlin in the late sixties that takes a look back at the photographer’s visit to that partitioned city during the Cold War
More Visual Arts
Maui Nights by Juanita Callejas an acrylics-on-canvas study of Maui in blue
Acrylics and Oil Painting by Hari Huberman an exhibit of five colorful and sometimes whimsical acrylics and oil paintings
Drawings & Watercolors by Stuart Habley an array of six thought-provoking and innovative drawings and watercolors
DESIGN THEME: BAY AREA SKIES* Charlene Anderson, Kaaren Strauch Brown, Bill Carpenter, Jane Bell Goldstein, Mary Hunt, Gary Moran *link to a list of Bay Area Skies photos with locations and attributions